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Introduction of Attractive References
T | Acupuncture for the treatment of chronic painful peripheral diabetic neuropathy: a long-term study |
B | Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice vol.39, no.2,1998, pp.115-121 |
A | B.B Abuaisha, J.B Costanzi, and A.J.M Boulton |
C | Forty-six diabetic patients with chronic painful peripheral neuropathy were treated with acupuncture analgesia to determine its efficacy and long-term effectiveness. |
T | Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Acupuncture Points in Diabetic Patients with Gastric Dysrhythmia: A Pilot Study |
B | Digestion vol. 64, no. 3, 2001, pp.184-190 |
A | Chang C.-S., Ko C.-W., Wu C.-Y., and Chen G.-H. |
C | Abnormal gastric slow-wave frequencies have been observed in diabetic gastroparesis and are associated with impaired antral motor activity. In this study, we aimed at evaluating the effect of acupuncture on gastric slow waves in diabetic patients with symptoms suggesting gastric motor dysfunction. |
T | 糖尿病患者における飲水負荷時の胃電図に及ぼす鍼刺激の効果 |
B | 明治鍼灸医学 vol.33, 2003, pp.99-111 |
A | 米田 裕和 |
C | 糖尿病患者の飲水負荷後の胃電図に対して、足三里穴への置鍼が及ぼす影響と胃電図と糖尿病の背景因子との関連性について検討した.足三里穴への置鍼は、糖尿病患者で飲水後の胃の反応性を改善させる可能性が示された. |
T | Clinical study on acupuncture, moxibustion, acupuncture plus moxibustion at Weiwanxiashu (EX-B3) for treatment of diabetes. |
B | Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion, vol. 27, no.7, 2007, pp.482-484 |
A | Liao H., Xi P., Chen Q., Yi L., and Zhao Y. |
C | To compare clinical therapeutic effects of acupuncture, moxibustion, acupuncture plus moxibustion at Weiwanxiashu (EX-B 3) on diabetes. Acupuncture, moxibustion, or acupuncture plus moxibustion at Weiwanxiashu (EX-B 3) is an effective therapy for diabetes, and the acupuncture plus moxibustion has a better result. |
Contact Us
[HARI] Hotal Ancient Medicine Research Institute
for Acupuncture and Moxibustion Research
for Acupuncture and Moxibustion Research
TEL : +81-6-7166-9936
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